TOM LEE: BITCOIN (BTC) BULL MARKET HAS RESUMED! | 7 Ways China Is Boosting Blockchain!

Tom Lee of Fundstrat recently tweeted,

“A lot of ‘signal’ past few days in crypto and #bitcoin

– China (friendly policy) – New ATH S&P 500 (positive)

– Bitcoin Misery Index bottomed 10/24 at 36 and rebounding (positive)

– Massive price gain on $BTC friday (signal)

Interim ‘risk-off’ ended, and bull market resumes.”

Bitcoin has largely held on to gains made over the weekend and remains almost 25% higher than it was trading late last week.

A number of industry observers have been typically disparaging, calling it a manipulated pump and dump but as yet markets are holding steady.

In other Crypto news today,

China is in the midst of a new blockchain boom.

Cryptocurrencies got a boost, and so did blockchain-related stocks.

What’s next?

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

News Resources From Today’s Show:

A lot of ‘signal’ past few days in crypto and #bitcoin– China (friendly policy)– New ATH S&P 500 (positive)– Bitcoin Misery Index bottomed 10/24 at 36 and rebounding (positive)

– Massive price gain on $BTC friday (signal)

Interim ‘risk-off’ ended, and bull market resumes.

— Thomas Lee (@fundstrat) October 28, 2019

$BTC has moved +42% today– 4th largest gain in history and largest since May/10/2011 (if comparing against daily returns).– 15th largest two-day gain in history, Nov/18/2013.Thank you China.

President Xi is the true Crypto Dad.

— Alex Krüger (@krugermacro) October 26, 2019

Ahahahahahhaha, now on Chinese CT ” Fuck ETF, fuck Bakkt, fuck Libra, none of these BS will pump, only we Chinese pump with real money, the only way to pump”

(excuse me for the F word… try my best to translate from very Chinese slang)

— Dovey 以德服人 Wan 🗝 🦖 (@DoveyWan) October 28, 2019

3/ Articles saying blockchain technology is a scam are now BANNED.

Who still remember the days when posts promoting blockchain getting deleted real fast?

— cnLedger (@cnLedger) October 28, 2019