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With the recent Bitcoin price surge from the lower $14,000’s to almost touching $16K in the past 24 hours, BTC pioneer Max Keiser, host of the Keiser Report went on an epic tweet storm sharing the following on Twitter:

“Order book shows no Bitcoin for sale up to $20,000. Any offers between $20-28,000 will get pulled. I’m looking at a possible pause at $28,000.”

“Bitcoin won’t pause until $28,000. Will update my forecast when it gets there, but I don’t see any pullbacks until $28,000”

“$16,000 is no resistance. None at $17,000 either. Virtually no resistance at all. Bitcoin has no top because fiat has no bottom.”

SCAM ALERT: “CoinSwitch Exchange Scammed Me Of $50,000 In Crypto”

I went to exchange some crypto as they advertise through their platform using Binance.

Then my transaction failed according to their support due to a technical error on their end.

Then they exploited KYC to withhold my funds.

However, even after complying and sending in all requested information, I’m still getting the run around, going back and forth with their support and they’re still withholding my funds.

I’m shocked that Cointelegraph influencers such as Keith Wareing promote this crypto exchange scam.

In other trending Bitcoin News Today:

“Fed Calling For More Stimulus Is ‘Code for Buy Bitcoin,’ says Winklevoss”

The United States Federal Reserve is still unintentionally advertising Bitcoin, as Chair Jerome Powell argues for more money printing.

In a tweet on Nov. 6, Tyler Winklevoss, co-founder of crypto exchange Gemini, said that Powell’s latest speech this week was “code for buy Bitcoin.”

Powell was addressing a news conference, which followed the Fed’s Nov. 5 meeting on the state of the economy and future measures.

As before, he reiterated that the central bank had not exhausted its range of tools for supporting the economy.

These have so far included heavy interventions in stock markets, financial stimulus measures and direct payments to Americans.

“I just would say that I think we’ll have a stronger recovery if we can just get some more fiscal support, when it’s appropriate… the size Congress thinks is appropriate,” he said, quoted by Reuters.

Bitcoin proponents have long warned about the long-term impact of short-term meddling in the economy by central banks that is represented by the huge increase in public debt seen in the U.S. and elsewhere in 2020.

The Fed’s balance sheet stood at $7.14 trillion on Friday, near record highs. U.S. national debt has topped $27.2 trillion, a figure never before seen in history.

In what some this week described as a clear demonstration of simple supply and demand at work, Bitcoin — with its fixed supply — continued climbing as Powell delivered his speech.

The largest cryptocurrency has gained over 15% since the start of the week, rising to levels not seen since the end of 2017.

According to quant analyst PlanB and others, this is to be expected, as six months after its block subsidy halving cut the supply of new Bitcoins in half, investors have bought up the slack.

These have included existing corporate buyers who have upped their requirements, among them payment gateway Square, which saw 80% of its Q3 revenue come from Bitcoin.

“There is virtually no BTC left for sale,” the popular Twitter account Girevik summarized, noting large buyer support on exchanges at levels below $13,000. Sellers have yet to impact the market, even at close to $16,000.

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

SCAM ALERT: @coinswitch scammed me of $50,000, exploiting KYC to withhold customer funds. Even after complying and sending all required documentation. I’m shocked @Cointelegraph influencers like @officiallykeith promote this exchange scam. Video coming soon with full details.

— Crypto News Alerts (@CryptoNewsYes) November 6, 2020

Millions of us opted out of this political nightmare years ago with #Bitcoin Take as long as you want to sort this out We don’t give AF In fact, the longer it takes the mega-richer we get Take your time, hombre


— Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) November 5, 2020

Top Bitcoin Expert Claims “The Train Has Left The Station” With $14K Broken