MARKET STUDY: There’s a 77% Chance Bitcoin Trades At ,000 This Week | BTC Halving 2020 TODAY!

➡️ REPLAY – TEEKA TIWARI – 5 Coins To $5 Million:

With the next Bitcoin Halving now less than 7 hours away, these are very exciting times for the Crypto market.

Just 72 hours ago, BTC was trading at $10,100, but the cryptocurrency has since sustained a strong drop leading into the BTC halving.

This culminated on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, when the Bitcoin price crashed from the $10,000 highs to $8,100 within the span of a few hours.

It was a strong drop that liquidated over $200 million worth of long positions on BitMEX. Bitcoin’s stark reversal from the highs has convinced many of a bearish case.

One prominent trader that last year predicted BTC’s 2019 bottom of $6,400 said that he expects yet another move to $6,400.

Though a market study by Market Science, a cryptocurrency data analytics and market research firm, has confirmed that such a drop may not happen.

Their study indicates that there’s a 77% chance Bitcoin trades at $10,000 within the next week. Because the Chicago Mercantile Exchange’s Bitcoin futures don’t trade on weekends, there are normally “gaps” formed on the charts on every Monday morning.

The crypto market is 24/7, meaning that from the CME close on Friday to the open on Monday morning, there can be volatility that creates such gaps.

Just today, Bitcoin formed a record $1,265 gap, as a top trader noted. This was formed because the Friday price action on the exchange closed at ~$10,000 while the Monday price action opened at $8,785.

It’s a potentially bullish sign for the Bitcoin market, a market study has suggested. Published on December 30th of last year, crypto research firm Market Science found that 77% of CME gaps fill, meaning price touches each portion of the gap, “in the subsequent week” after the gap forms.

The gap isn’t the only sign indicating Bitcoin will undergo a bullish reversal, analysts suggest.

One popular trader shared the chart below, indicating that there are remarkable similarities between Bitcoin’s price action for all of 2020 and that of the past three days: both periods have a four-phase distribution top, a capitulation crash, then a rapid recovery from the lows.

The fractal playing out in full, the trader suggested, will result in BTC returning to $10,000 in the coming two to three days.

In other trending Bitcoin News today:

Why Satoshi Nakamoto Created the Bitcoin Halving

The dwindling Bitcoin mining rewards are a central piece of Satoshi’s method for allowing new BTC to enter the supply and ensuring that supply doesn’t outpace demand, all the while carefully controlling and mitigating the effects of inflation.

He addressed the topic in an exchange with the late bitcoin pioneer Hal Finney via email back in 2008.

“The fact that new coins are produced means the money supply increases by a planned amount, but this does not necessarily result in inflation. If the supply of money increases at the same rate that the number of people using it increases, prices remain stable.

If it does not increase as fast as demand, there will be deflation and early holders of money will see its value increase. Coins have to get initially distributed somehow, and a constant rate seems like the best formula.”

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

While price moves more sideways, this creates an environment where large leverage traders have an easier time strategically liquidating the bulk of traders from their positions. Like the cascading 4k->14k short squeeze of 2019. Equals more volatility.

— Willy Woo (@woonomic) May 9, 2020

Why Satoshi Nakamoto Created the Bitcoin (BTC) Halving

Market Study: There’s a 77% Chance Bitcoin Trades At $10,000 This Week