

💰 BlockFi: (Up To $250 Bitcoin Bonus)

Crypto trader and YouTuber Ben Armstrong aka ‘Bitboy Crypto’ is predicting that Bitcoin will kick it into hyperdrive after shattering $100,000 ​by the end of the second quarter, largely driven by the expiry of the quarterly futures contracts.

“I think the end of this bull run is the end of September, so we’ll give it another month to run, and then match the stock-to-flow, you know, somewhere between $290,000, $320,000.”

In other trending Cryptocurrency News today:

Macro guru Raoul Pal says a new milestone for Ethereum demonstrates the platform’s ability to command the crypto and financial sectors.

“Things move faster than the speed of light in crypto adoption
.It is a test that tacitly accepts that crypto offers better settlement, custody and transfer for the global bond market. Something I have talked about for a decade
 in the end, all securities of all types will migrate across to public blockchains.”

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

JPMorgan Offering Bitcoin Investments to High Net Worth Clients – Report


💰 BlockFi: Up To $250 Bitcoin Bonus:

What highs (or lows) could Bitcoin reach by the end of the year?

The Stock-to-Flow (S2F) model created by PlanB is one of the most well-known BTC price prediction apparatuses in the Bitcoin space. It forecasts the long-term price trend of Bitcoin by weighing two main factors: the amount of BTC in existence (the stock) versus the amount of newly mined coins entering the market (the flow).

Thus far, the model has been eerily accurate. Bitcoin closed February 26% above the model’s projected price and remains on pace to hit the model’s end-of-year target of $288K. With Bitcoin currently trading at around $56K, it would need to increase over 400% between now and December.

Anthony Pompliano of Morgan Creek Digital and Dan Morehead of Pantera Capital haven’t set their sights on $200K for 2021, but that doesn’t mean they are bearish. They both believe Bitcoin will close the year above $100K, which would be double the current price.

In a recent interview with Cointelegraph, Pomp noted:

“If all of a sudden only about 8 million Bitcoin are available and all this demand is showing up, you are going to have a pretty aggressive price increase.”

Who would have thought the day would come when $100K, or even $200K, Bitcoin price predictions are considered moderate? Well, today may finally be that day. Unconfirmed reports say Citibank have set their sights set on even higher price targets for 2021.

And that’s just in the short term. As Bitcoin’s price rises, so do the long-term forecasts. Frank Holmes of US Global Investors and Scott Minerd of Guggenheim Investments both believe half a million dollars is within reach in the coming years.

But there’s one price prediction that trumps them all. Microstrategy CEO Michael Saylor foresees Bitcoin sucking up ‘monetary energy’, which would propel it to an unthinkable price:

“In theory, all monetary energy that’s simply looking for a store of value/safe haven index should presumably drain out of real estate, cash, stocks, and bonds into the Bitcoin network.”

MicroStrategy chief executive Michael Saylor is envisioning a future where hundreds of trillions of dollars worth of investments can push the value of Bitcoin to as high as $14 million.

“I think that demonetizing gold gets you to $500,000 and that’s simply pulling all the monetary energy off of the gold rock from gold bugs who believe is a store of value and a safe haven. It’s important to note there are a lot of organizations and a lot of investors that don’t use gold as their safe haven. They use government debt, sovereign debt, and so cash is a safe haven, and sovereign debt is a safe haven, and another safe haven people use as a store of value is the index funds.”

In other trending Bitcoin News today:

Bitcoin Futures Open Interest Hits New ATH As Traders Flock to Derivatives

With BTC again edging toward all-time highs, a large volume of money is flowing into the Bitcoin derivatives markets.

According to crypto market data aggregator Glassnode, outstanding futures contracts pushed into new all-time highs on March 11, with open interest across exchanges approaching $20 billion.

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

On this day last year #Bitcoin dropped 40% in one single day to $3,858. #Bitcoin is up +1400% since that day.

— Bitcoin Archive 🗄🚀🌔 (@BTC_Archive) March 12, 2021


âžĄïž Tap into OPM (Other People’s Money):

Bitcoin Billionaires, Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, believe weakness in the U.S. financial system and other factors mean the Bitcoin price could one day reach $500,000 per BTC.

“Inflation is coming. Money stored in a bank will get run over. Money invested in assets like real estate or the stock market will keep pace. Money stored in gold or bitcoin will outrun the scourge. And money stored in bitcoin will run the fastest, overtaking gold,” the brothers said in their latest analysis.

It added that “Bitcoin has already made significant ground on gold — going from whitepaper to over [USD] 200 billion in market capitalization in under a decade.

Today, the market capitalization of above ground gold is conservatively [USD] 9 trillion.”

By applying a gold framework to value bitcoin, the twins say that, should BTC continue on this path, the bull case scenario for the cryptocurrency could be that it is currently undervalued by a factor of 45. According to the analysis:

“Said differently, the price of bitcoin could appreciate 45x from where it is today, which means we could see a price of [USD] 500,000 
 per bitcoin.”

Furthermore, the forecast says it does not factor in the possibility of BTC displacing a share of the USD 11.7 trillion dollars of fiat foreign exchange reserves that are currently held by governments worldwide.

“Foreshadowing this, at least one publicly-traded US corporation has begun holding bitcoin as a treasury reserve asset.

If central banks start to diversify their foreign fiat holdings even partially into bitcoin, say 10%, then 45x gets revised upward towards 55x or [USD] 600,000 per bitcoin, and so forth,” the brothers said.

Winklevoss Capital has bought shares in a number of companies from the blockchain industry, including digital wealth management solution BlockFi, and micropayment infrastructure provider ChangeCoin.

The home office also invests in cryptocurrencies, including BTC and Zcash (ZEC), according to data from the firm.

In other trending Bitcoin News today:

3 reasons why YFI price just hit a new high of $18K!

YFI, the native token of the Decentralized Finance (DeFi) giant, achieved a new all-time high. It soared by 30% in the last 12 hours from $14,017 to $18,169, entering price discovery.

The term price discovery refers to when an asset hits a new record high and markets seek a new peak. YFI entered price discovery for the first time in 8 days, after achieving its previous peak at $16,666.

Three factors likely triggered the rally of YFI to a new all-time high: a potentially new partnership, a listing on Aave, and strong technicals.

On Aug. 28, the money market protocol Aave (LEND) listed YFI. Aave is the largest DeFi protocol in the global market with more than $1.52 billion in total value locked.

As Cointelegraph previously reported, Aave received approval from the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority, which further secured the dominance of Aave over the DeFi market. Jordan Lazaro Gustave, the COO of Aave, told Cointelegraph:

“Aave will also be making credit delegation possible, where party A can delegate their credit line to party B, who can borrow against it. This will all be made possible by a legal agreement via OpenLaw. For example, a credit delegator could be a party that wants to build up more credit, and a borrower could be a business, NGO, government, institution, etc.”

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

Prepare to be patient in #Bitcoin. Each up cycle takes longer to play out and is less extreme as absolute dollar value gets much larger.May or may not be another 6-12 months before price breaks up. Should not matter as end price point obscenely higher.

Hodlers rejoice.

— Dan Tapiero (@DTAPCAP) August 28, 2020

Friday Fun: modeling #bitcoin price with central bank balance sheets (FED+ECB). 90% R2. Recent QE fueled explosion of FED and ECB balance sheets to $7T and $6.4T implies a BTC price of 

— PlanB (@100trillionUSD) August 28, 2020

The Case for $500K Bitcoin


âžĄïž Leverage OPM (Other People’s Money):

RT host of the Keiser Report, BTC pioneer Max Keiser shared his latest Bitcoin prediction on Crypto Twitter in the following recent tweet:

“We’re in a post nation-state, post sovereign currency as entire world becomes obsessed with Bitcoin. PREDICTION: Millions of people around the world will logically buy BTC instead of paying taxes. Governments will be powerless to stop this.”

When it comes to an actual BTC price prediction, Max also shared the following:

“Just to be clear, the risk of buying Bitcoin today HAS NEVER BEEN LOWER and the upside is still huge, like 80x. This is why institutions are pouring in now. The risk has never been lower.”

For BTC to 80x from the time of his bullish prediction, would put the Bitcoin price at about $1.4 million per BTC.

In other trending Bitcoin News today:

Macro Guru Raoul Pal Reports Game-Changing Crush of Institutional Money Pouring Into Bitcoin, Updates BTC Price Prediction

Former Goldman Sachs fund manager and current Real Vision CEO Raoul Pal says he’s witnessing an unprecedented crush of institutional money buying Bitcoin.

In a new interview with CT’s Giovanni Pigni, Pal says BTC’s return to near $20,000 levels is just the beginning.

“From what I know, and I know a lot of people in the industry, they are all onboarding institutional clients, family offices, endowments, at an enormous pace. But $20,000 here is not the same as $20,000 back then [in 2017]. Back then it had gone up 100 fold when it got up to $20,000, we haven’t even started this yet.

Later on, when things get speculative, we will see something similar potentially play out. But the difference is, where these guys are getting it wrong, is they’re saying, ‘People aren’t as interested.’ Ya, but the real money is interested and that’s a game changer.”

Pal says Bitcoin is one of the most unique trades he’s ever seen, and the top cryptocurrency will likely benefit in the months ahead regardless of which direction the global economy takes.

“Regardless of what’s going on, that money is coming. Let’s look at the reasons. I have a feeling the vaccine takes until Q3 next year before it’s really rolled out. We look at the European economy, it is falling fast. I don’t know how they’re going to deal with Christmas and the New Year. The US economy has got the same problems. 

I think it goes into lockdown in January and February once the Biden administration comes in because the virus over Thanksgiving, New Year, and Christmas is going to grow substantially. I think we’ve got problems in India after Divali, where you’ve got hundreds of millions of people together celebrating and I think we’re going to get a big second wave in India.”

Pal is updating his prediction for the current Bitcoin cycle. He says $150,000 is likely on the low-end, but he believes PlanB’s controversial estimates in the upper $250,000 range may end up being too conservative.

“If I was to be conservative, I’d say $150,000. If I’m to be realistic knowing what I know about the flow of funds, I have a feeling that PlanB’s model is going to underprice the upside. I know everybody thinks on this cycle the price will be lower. I just don’t see it because of the amount of money coming into the space. 

I actually have a feeling it might be above his target of about $250,000 but I don’t know. But I like that optionality. Worst case $150,000, best case north of $250,000. I mean, find me another trade in the world that looks like this.”

Pal, who is a longtime crypto investor, says he can afford to take a big risk on Bitcoin and now has about 75% of his liquid net worth in BTC.

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

Ok, last bomb – I have a sell order in tomorrow to sell all my gold and to scale in to buy BTC and ETH (80/20). I dont own anything else (except some bond calls and some $’s). 98% of my liquid net worth. See, you can’t categorize me except #irresponsiblylong Good night all.

— Raoul Pal (@RaoulGMI) November 30, 2020

We’re in a post nation-state, post sovereign currency as entire world becomes obsessed with #Bitcoin PREDICTION: Millions of people around the world will logically buy BTC instead of paying taxes.

Governments will be powerless to stop this.

— Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) November 29, 2020


💰 BlockFi: Up To $250 Bitcoin Bonus:

Software giant Microstrategy has purchased more than $1 billion worth of bitcoins to bring its total cryptocurrency holdings to above $4.5 billion worth.

The company announced on Wednesday that it had acquired an additional 19,452 bitcoins at an average price of $52,475.

This brings the firm’s total holdings to 90,531 bitcoins, which altogether were bought at an average price of $23,985 per bitcoin. This means Microstrategy has more than doubled its investment, with the holdings are currently worth more than half of Microstrategy’s $7.84bn market cap .

Bitcoin is currently trading at around $50,000 after crashing from a new all-time high above $58,000 on Sunday, 21 February, however CEO Michael Saylor predicts that bitcoin’s price could rise 10-fold over the coming years.

Mr Saylor said the latest investment was part of a twin corporate strategy of growing its software business while simultaneously “acquiring and holding bitcoin” in the expectation that its price will continue to grow in the long term.

“The company now holds over 90,000 bitcoins, reaffirming our belief that bitcoin, as the world’s most widely-adopted cryptocurrency, can serve as a dependable store of value,” he said.

“We will continue to pursue our strategy of acquiring bitcoin with excess cash and we may from time to time, subject to market conditions, issue debt or equity securities
 with the objective of using the proceeds to purchase additional bitcoin.”

Speaking to CNBC before the latest investment was announced, Mr Saylor said that he believed bitcoin’s market cap would rise $100 trillion – 10-times that of gold’s.

It is currently worth less than $1trn, having risen from below $100bn last March.

“Bitcoin is going to flip gold, and it’s going to subsume the entire gold market cap,” he said.

“Once it gets to $10 trillion, its volatility will be dramatically less. As it marches toward $100 trillion, you’re going to see the growth rates fall, the volatility fall, and it’s going to be a stabilizing influence in the entire financial system of the 21st century.”

Microstrategy’s announcement comes less than three weeks after Tesla revealed that it had ploughed $1.5bn of its cash assets into bitcoin.

Prior to the electric car maker’s announcement, Mr Saylor offered advice to Tesla boss Elon Musk on how to purchase such large amounts of bitcoin.

In a public Twitter exchange, Mr Saylor said the investment would be a “$100 billion favour” to Tesla shareholders.

In other breaking Bitcoin News today:

Cardano Is Now A Top-Three Cryptocurrency As ADA Price Soars 27% In 24 Hours

Cardano Ada received a fresh wave of optimism and buying volume on Feb. 26 that pushed its price to a new all-time high of $1.49, making it the third-ranked cryptocurrency by market capitalization. 

Data from Cointelegraph Markets and TradingView shows that Ada surged 27% from a low of $0.98 during the early trading hours on Feb. 26 to its new high at $1.49 on record trading volume. 

Momentum for the project has been building throughout the month of February following the integration of the Mary upgrade to Cardano’s testnet on Feb. 3. The upgrade enables smart contract functionality, helping transform the blockchain into a multiasset network similar to Ethereum.

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

FACT: Any perceived “Utility value” for Gold adds nothing – while its being abandoned as money in favor of #Bitcoin In fact, it’s a primary reason why the market prefers BTC over Gold. BTC’s price-discovery is unencumbered by any perceived utility-value. It’s just pure money.

— Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) February 27, 2021

The Bullion Banks and Central Banks have been demonetizing Gold for decades. Into the mess strolled #Bitcoin Now the demonetization process is speeding up.

— Max Keiser (@maxkeiser) February 26, 2021

#Bitcoin Price is now $80,000 in Nigeria – a 60% premium.

That’s what happens when you try to ban something people want.

— Bitcoin Archive 🗄🚀🌔 (@BTC_Archive) February 18, 2021


âžĄïž Leverage OPM (Other People’s Money):

Bitcoin Bull Max Keiser Believes Shareholders Will Demand Corporations to Grab BTC Following Microstrategy’s $425M Acquisition.

Keiser stated that now shareholders of other big companies and corporations are going to demand to convert their cash reserves into Bitcoin as Tahini’s pro-Bitcoin restaurant chain has already begun to do.

The Nasdaq-traded business software producer Microstrategy amazed the crypto community by placing more if its cash into Bitcoin.

Back then, its CEO Michael Saylor tweeted that the company had acquired 16,796 Bitcoin for $175,000,000.

That was the second purchase of BTC by this company.

The first acquisition took place on Aug. 11, when Microstrategy acquired 21,454 BTC for a whopping $250,000,000, making headlines in crypto and mainstream media.

Bitcoin proponent Max Keiser tweeted that now shareholders will demand that corporations start acquiring Bitcoin with their spare cash.

$MSTR declares war on the Fed, Who will join them? *Every* CFO/CEO, per statues of corporate governance, is now obligated to examine their own “melting ice cube” Shareholders will now *DEMAND* they deploy idle cash to Bitcoin. Michael Saylor is a board room revolutionary”

He was, in fact, commenting on a tweet thread posted by the Canadian restaurant chain Tahini’s, which has recently converted all of its cash reserves to Bitcoin.

On Aug. 19, the Tahini’s franchise acquired BTC using all of its spare cash reserves down to the last dollar.

The CEO Omar Hamam tweeted that, despite difficulties after the lockdown and many of his staffers deciding not to go back to work (as they received stimulus checks), he decided that the stimulus cash he received from the government would no longer be a secure investment.

So he started educating himself on blockchain and Bitcoin and then decided to convert all of his company’s cash reserves in BTC.

In other trending Bitcoin News today:

MicroStrategy CEO Says ‘Bitcoin Scales Just Fine As Store Of Value’

Bitcoin (BTC) as a store of value “scales just fine,” the CEO of the company that just purchased 38,250 BTC has said.

In a tweet on Sep. 17, Michael Saylor revealed more information about MicroStrategy’s dramatic launch into Bitcoin.

“We acquired 21,454 BTC via 78,388 off-chain transactions, then secured it in cold storage with 18 on-chain transactions. Bitcoin scales just fine as a store of value.”

Continuing, Saylor described a status quo where on-chain transactions for major investors will remain a rarity:

“If Bitcoin is treated as a treasury reserve asset, based on our model, 99.98% of all transactions will be off-chain, and assets-at-risk will be in cold storage 99.92% of the time.”

Off-chain transactions via solutions such as the Lightning Network allow Bitcoin transaction volume to increase without adding volume to the blockchain and raising fees to appeal to miners.

In his popular book, The Bitcoin Standard, Saifedean Ammous likewise argues that off-chain activity will become the norm once Bitcoin gains a much larger user base.

That could happen sooner rather than later.

Following the Pompliano interview, statistician Willy Woo picked up on Saylor highlighting the world’s 35,000 publicly traded companies that have spare cash reserves of $5 trillion.

“I make out if others follow MicroStrategy’s lead and even just 1% of that capital finds its way into BTC, that’s enough to blow Bitcoin cap to $2T,” he tweeted.

Woo added that given MicroStrategy took six months to approve its shift to Bitcoin, any copycat moves would begin to surface in 2021.

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

Some takeaways from @APompliano‘s interview with @michael_saylor, CEO of MicroStrategy, after their 38,250 BTC buy ($425m).Plot goes: “I’m a good thinker and a large financial player, this what I found researching Bitcoin coming from outside of the industry”Read on


— Willy Woo (@woonomic) September 18, 2020

Why did $425M MSTR buy not move #bitcoin price up? Because they bought carefully, thousands of small incognito algo orders over a period of weeks. Key thing: $425M is transferred from weak hands (shitcoiners, traders, noobs) to strong hands (hodl): reducing future sell pressure🚀

— PlanB (@100trillionUSD) September 17, 2020

What are the odds 
 that other cash-rich companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft will not get serious questions about #bitcoin at the next shareholder meeting, or even get sued for breaching their fiduciary obligation for not buying bitcoin and letting all that cash melt away?

— PlanB (@100trillionUSD) September 17, 2020

Technicals Suggest Bitcoin Looks Ready For Another Leg Higher Over $11K


💰 BlockFi: (Up To $250 Bitcoin Bonus)

“Facebook will announce they hold Bitcoin on their books when they release their quarterly results after trading closes tomorrow”, according to popular crypto investor Alistair Milne, CIO of Altana Digital Currency Fund. If this rumor is in fact true then this is major news for not only BTC but the entire cryptocurrency market.

In other trending Bitcoin News today, BTC price breaks $55K as fund manager Dan Tapiero ‘still sees $100K’ in 2021. 

“A very rare td buy signal in bitcoin. Last one came right at the March ’20 low. Still see 100k this yr. Overwhelmed with calls of panic last few days over what is unchanged price action
ie still at 50k. Hodl is the only way to be long without emotion.”

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

RUMOUR: Facebook will annouce they hold #Bitcoin on their books when they release their quarterly results after trading closes tomorrow

— Alistair Milne (@alistairmilne) April 27, 2021

A very rare td buy signal in #bitcoin.Last one came right at the March ’20 low.Still see 100k this yr.

Overwhelmed with calls of panic last few days over what is unchanged price action
ie still at 50k.#Hodl is the only way to be long without emotion.

H/T JB on the chart

— Dan Tapiero (@DTAPCAP) April 27, 2021

BITCOIN PRICE AT ‘HUGE RISK’ OF CRASHING TO ,300! | XRP Down 16% Since Ripple Swell 2019


A recent Bitcoin price prediction by veteran Crypto trader, Elixium, warns that the BTC price is at a major risk of seeing yet another crash.

This time, towards the $7,300 level if bulls don’t push back soon.

Elixium shared on Crypto Twitter

“Bitcoin is currently below the 200 EMA & SMA. If it closes the daily like this then there’s a huge risk that it will dump down to $7,300.”

In other Cryptocurrency news today

Ripple XRP not only failed to rally during the highly anticipated Swell 2019 conference this year, but actually sank by 16% shortly after.

But can the price recover, or will see the asset slump even further?

Teeka Tiwari released ‘Palm Beach Quant’ last night during his exclusive live event, “12 Seconds to $12,000.”

This secret quantitative trading system has been producing Teeka 84% winning trades since he started beta testing it 4 months ago.

This is unheard of yes, but these are the facts and numbers don’t lie.

You have to see it to believe it, so check it out for yourself. âžĄïž This

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FREE BONUS: A projection for what’s next for U.S. stocks, gold, the dollar and interest rates over the next 6 months (the gold price projection alone could make you thousands of dollars richer)

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

Bitcoin Price at ‘Huge Risk’ of Crashing to $7,300

XRP Down 16% Since Swell, Can Price Recover?


💰 Crypto’s Next $1 Trillion Coin:

Blockchain investment firm Pantera Capital says Bitcoin looks like it will break the $100,000 level sooner than they originally forecasted.

In a new letter to investors, CEO and co-chief investment officer Dan Morehead notes that when BTC plummeted in March of 2020, he assured investors that it would set a new record within 12 months as institutional investors started making allocations.

“It took a few months to stabilize. A few months for the rally to build steam. Now it’s full on. My instinct from trading many cycles over 35 years is that crypto prices are going to melt-up. We’ll see much higher prices before this cycle is over.”

Morehead says Bitcoin is now rallying ahead of Pantera’s original projection. The CEO of the blockchain investment company highlights that as of March 15th, 2021, BTC is already three weeks ahead of schedule based on an analysis of the BTC stock to flow ratio (S2F) after the third halving.

Bitcoin broke the $60,000 mark on March 13th, exceeding Pantera’s original prediction of $52,943 for March 15th, 2021. Morehead concedes that BTC is outpacing their forecast and is now on track to reach $115,000 in a few weeks.

“Bitcoin is now ahead of our April 2020 forecast schedule — to hit $115,000 this summer.”

According to the firm, exposure to Bitcoin and the digital asset space has allowed their performance to skyrocket. Morehead also mentions the outstanding performance of the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector.

“Since publishing our March 2020 investor letter, which outlined our core thesis that unlimited money printing will push up the price of things whose quantity cannot be eased, Pantera Funds are up immensely.

In addition, the power of DeFi is emerging in the returns of our hedge funds. DeFi assets are out-performing even the remarkable performance of bitcoin.

We believe we are at the beginning of a multi-decade transformation.”

In other trending Bitcoin News today:

Rich Dad Poor Dad Author Says He’s Buying Bitcoin and Ethereum, Economy Is Screwed

Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki says he is racing to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, and precious metals as the economy weakens.

In a new Rich Dad Radio Show podcast episode, the best-selling author and entrepreneur says that while he does not wish to argue over which store of value asset is superior, he is currently scrambling to own as much BTC, ETH and gold as he can.

“So I’m just grateful I have a lot of gold, silver, Bitcoin and Ethereum and I don’t get into the argument. Peter Schiff is always arguing about gold and silver and Max Keiser’s arguing back, and I think, ‘Why the heck are you guys arguing?’ Just get as much as you can right now because the government is screwed. We’re screwed. Our whole economy is screwed. We’re so deeply in debt, it’s like sinking into quicksand right and you’re arguing about gold, silver, Bitcoin. Just buy something.”

Last year, Kiyosaki predicted Bitcoin would break the $50,000 level in 2021. He said that this bet wasn’t necessarily based on the strength of Bitcoin, but in the weakness of the US economy and government.

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

Anyone who says “money doesn’t make you happy” is sick puppy who has never been broke. Money is a drug. It makes people happy. Problem is when drug wears off people get unhappy. Buy gold silver Bitcoin real money and stay happy.

— therealkiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) March 21, 2021

Saw some people freaking out about this drop of #Bitcoin and #altcoins.

Yes, altcoins drop further than $BTC due to the correlations.

And dips are interesting to accumulate.Corrections are healthy and organic.Stop zooming in on the charts and relax.

It’s still bull.

— MichaĂ«l van de Poppe (@CryptoMichNL) March 21, 2021

Pantera Capital Says Its Big Bitcoin Price Prediction Is Ahead of Schedule

Bitcoin Price Still on Track to 0,000 Despite Recent Drop | BTC Crash NOT Due to Coronavirus


Cryptocurrency analyst PlanB states that the Bitcoin price is still following his stock-to-flow model, which predicts that BTC, the top crypto by market capitalization is set to hit $100,000 before December 2021. 

“S2F chart adjusted for today’s “crash” 
 nothing really happened, btc still spot on S2F track”

PlanB’s model attempts to forecast future price moves of Bitcoin (BTC) based on the correlation between the stock (the total available supply of the cryptocurrency) and its flow (the amount of newly minted coin).

So far, every reward halving has been game-changing for the crypto king, and the Dutch pundit doesn’t expect the forthcoming supply cut to be any different.

In May, miners will start earning only 6.25 BTC per block. PlanB forecasted that the BTC price would trade above $10,000 after this halving while gradually moving to the aforementioned $100,000 target.  

With the Bitcoin price tanking more than 10 percent, the cryptocurrency is showing anything but strength in the short-term.

Nonetheless, PlanB says that the cryptocurrency shows no sign of weakness just weeks before the halving since its mining difficulty is expected to increase by a ‘massive’ seven percent during today’s adjustment. 

Moreover, the analyst forecasts that BTC’s hashrate and difficulty will continue to increase after the Bitcoin halving, debunking the myth that there will be a miner capitulation. 

Bitcoin Drop Due to 13K BTC PlusToken Scam, Not Coronavirus – Analysts

Bitcoin (BTC) began its sudden crash due to another giant sell-off from the PlusToken pyramid scheme, analysts are suggesting as BTC/USD lost $8,000 support.

According to various online commentators citing Blockchain data, participants in the $2.9 billion scheme are again attempting to rid themselves of their BTC.

Ergo, the Twitter account that closely tracks PlusToken’s activities, put the total funds involved at around 13,000 BTC or roughly $210 million at the current market price.

This time, Ergo said, the coins were going to mixing services to hide their traceability. Two feeder addresses have been identified, shedding their balances on March 5.

“Been looking and theorizing about this for months and I can’t see a scenario where the coins aren’t being sold, at least to some degree,” the account summarized. 

“This was likely obvious to the exchanges starting in September. The accounts would have been frozen then.”

The account added, however, that selloffs were now occurring at a “much slower rate” compared to a more intense period of activity in August last year.

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DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. The views and opinions expressed in this video are just opinions, nothing more. Trading is very risky, especially when trading with leverage. Seek financial advice from a professional and trade at your own risk because I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.

Show Notes / Resources:

~13k in new PlusToken mixer deposits in last 24 hrs.Almost all previous mixer deposit change has entered mixing, confirming my theory.Distributions still on/off. Much slower than September and November.

New report and full sit rep imminent.

— Ergo ∎TxIDs Or It Didn’t Happen∎ (@ErgoBTC) March 6, 2020

Bitcoin Just Broke $8K: Here Are Important Supports Traders Must Watch